There will be a very reduced schedule this week for the holiday. Please make sure you are signed up in Vagaro for classes

Monday, December 23rd- Endurance
For Time:
100 cal row
80 plate G2O
60 burpees
40 dual db thrusters
20 strict pull-ups

Tuesday, December 24th
8am-12pm: Open Gym
12pm: Christmas Eve PUMP
30 min EMOM:
10 dual db bench press
10 ring rows
10 dual db push press
10 seated curls
10 dual db kickbacks

Wednesday, December 25th

Thursday, December 26th

Friday, December 27th- Lower Body Focus With Coach Lucy!
A1. Suitcase step-up to balance
A2. Suitcase squat jump
B. 5 RFT:
12 dual kb swings
8 dual kb front squats
12 suitcase reverse lunges
8 ring rows
12 tuck-ups

Saturday, December 28th- Endurance With Coach Lucy!
Partner Conditioning
*partner A completes reps while partner B does exercise until partner A is done
*if partner B needs to stop, partner A has to stop
*keep switching exercises until 7 min is up
A. 7 min AMRAP:
P1- 14 star jumps
P2- wall sit
B. 7 min AMRAP:
P1- 14 plate overhead sit-ups
P2- double unders
C. 7 min AMRAP:
P1- 14 kb snatches
P2- battle ropes
D. 7 min AMRAP:
P1- 14 goblet squats
P2- weighted plank hold
E. 7 min AMRAP:
P1- 14 dual db push press
P2- bike